Cardiac Classic XC race

The Cardiac Classic cross-country mountain bike race is being held on August 10. It will run along many of the trails in the Burnaby Mountain Conservation Area. Approving this activity in a wildlife refuge area seems hardly the best way of protecting it.

Come Walk With Us

The forest wraps its leafy arms around us as we descend the 19 steps, from Beaverbook Cr. and Beaverbrook Dr., to the gravel path below on this 24th of April. Mmmmm …. it smells different down here – so fresh after the heavy rain of last night – moist earth...

Water quality update

May, 2015 John has continued taking daily samples. Here is an updated graph: July, 2014 March, 2014 John Templeton has captured two recent high conductivity events with values over 6000 micro-Siemens/cm!  We believe this is the result of large amounts of road salt...