AXYS Environmental Consulting Ltd. and Phillips Farevaag Smallenberg Inc., 1999
In September 1996, the Province, the City of Burnaby and Simon Fraser University (SFU) completed the transfer of 313 hectares of land below the university campus to the City of Burnaby. Continuing their commitment to protecting natural areas and public open space, the voters of Burnaby, by referendum, dedicated the area to be preserved as parkland in perpetuity. Now merged with the lands within the Burnaby Mountain Conservation Area, the addition of the former SFU lands increased the size of the conservation area to 576 hectares of primarily forested lands. Burnaby Mountain Conservation Area is now one of the most significant natural areas in the Lower Mainland and is the largest component of the Burnaby Parks System. The area has been recognized as an Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA) in the City of Burnaby’s initial ESA strategy.
Report Chapters
Excutive Summary
Table of Contents
Process and Methodologies
Conservation Area Environment
Conservation Area Vison and Policy
Management Guidelines
Objectives and Recomendations
Design Concepts
Conservation Area Program Elements
Implementation Strategy
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix F
Appendix G
Appendix H
Appendix I
Appendix J
Appendix K
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