Preliminary data shows chloride contamination occurs in other locations than Stoney Creek

Data downloaded from three Zentra dataloggers shows responses to freezing weather events.  In the graph above, air temperature is approximated by the temperature inside the Zentra ZL-6 enclosure  at the Cariboo Dam. The CTD-10 sondes connected to the real-time loggers measure electrical conductivity, water temperature, and depth [compensated for atmospheric pressure].

Zentra logger locations

The Cariboo Dam site measures the east end of Burnaby Lake and is downstream from both Stoney Trib 3A and Eagle Creek locations, so the salt pulses are diluted and delayed. Three salt pulses are highlighted following a below-freezing air temperature, which suggests that road salt may have been applied around that time.

Plans for this spring include downloading data from Guichon and Silver Creek loggers to add to the comparisons and adding more loggers in the Lower mainland with the generous funds received from the Pacific Salmon Foundation, Imperial Oil, Pembina Pipelines, and Trans Mountian. [If your creek needs to measure conductivity for stream heath, please contact Alan James.]