Pushing Back the Invasion

Pushing Back the Invasion

On Saturday afternoon, June 11, twelve Stoney Creek weed warriors attacked two areas along Stoney Creek near Rathburn and North Road. The weather was with us! Setting up. Photo by Faye J The team worked hard uncovering native plants from the thick cover of ivy,...

Standing Up For Stoney Creek

Standing Up For Stoney Creek

At Stoney Creek Environment Committee we know it takes many hands, and a multitude of voices, to defend a creek. So we appreciate others who raise awareness of the dangers facing an urban salmon bearing stream. Recently the Univercity Community Association wrote about...

Raw sewage in Stoney Creek

Stoney Creek in the news George Kovacic , one of our members, has been instrumental in getting the multi-jurisdictional technical committee to study the issue about raw sewage spills from Coquitlam into Stoney Creek. This week raw sewage flowing into Stoney Creek was...


Stoney Creek Road Salt and Salmon Project aims to identify the extent of road salt contamination in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia and support academic research into the effect of road salt on Coho salmon. We hope this will eventually lead to salt being classed as a toxic substance requiring a licence to apply it.