A Summer Evening at Colony Farm

  Bubbles first … Then tiny ripples on the water’s surface – Three heads pop up … Beavers! Little paws eagerly reach up To pull blackberry branches down to the water’s edge. crypto mixer. Fresh blackberry leaves A tasty snack make! A...

Let's Bird!

  15 birders 14 bird walks 4 different trails PLUS 2 field trips: Brunette River & Deer Lake 45 species identified along Stoney Creek 9 more species than 2014 Species for 2015 Anna’s Hummingbird American Dipper American Robin Bald Eagle Band-tailed...

Off to see the Herons!

They are called platform nests, Kathy, and both the male and female blue herons build them. Just look at them all. It looks like there might be three on that one branch alone! As our eyes skim the tops of the cottonwoods we lose count after about 20 nests – some...

Forest Friends

The plants are your friends. As you walk by them in the forest greet them by name. This will help you remember them. Rub the leaves of an elderberry and you smell peanut butter, a herb Robert geranium – nuts and a swamp or stink current’s – currents. Who...

Read, Set, Count!

The Stoney Creek Environment Committee began keeping official bird records in August of 1996. That important work continues to this day with data recorded on bird species, sex, age, nesting sites and behaviour. In 2014 our weekend birding group identified 36 bird...