Interested in Volunteering?
SCEC depends on the availability and commitment of its members. Our group provides an opportunity for everyone to take part in stream stewardship in a variety of activities. Whether participating in bird surveys or invertebrate sampling, helping to clean up the stream banks or counting spawning salmon, without our volunteers, we could not accomplish the vital work needed to preserve and enhance the Stoney Creek Watershed.
If you are interested in volunteering with us, check out our calendar of activities or join us at one of our membership meetings!
You may check us out by participating in an activity before becoming a member, although we do encourage membership as the fees contribute towards the cost of our operations and insurance coverage.
Advantages of Membership
- The opportunity to participate in any SCEC activity
- Regular updates on what’s happening in the watershed
- Eligibility to vote on SCEC matters
- Liability insurance coverage for all SCEC activities
- Automatic membership of BC Nature, including:
– subscription to BC Nature magazine
– invites to member-only events (conferences, camps and field trips)
– access to events of other BC Nature clubs
– paid stream-keeper training - Invitation to Salmon Enhancement Program and Appreciation Weekend event (alternate years)
- Automatic enrollment in SCEC service awards program:
– SCEC hat – after 4 activities
– Service pins – after 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 years of service (yes we have some members who have been with us that long!) - Invitation to special SCEC events, i.e. summer BBQ, Christmas pot-luck, etc.
Ready to become a member?
Go to our Join Us page