For salmon to continue to live in Stoney Creek, they need clean water.
Please report immediately if you see toxic spills, dirty water or small dead or dying fish. Heavy siltation from runoff in the fall and winter may cover and smother eggs.

  1. To report ANY water quality concern, First, call the Emergency Management BC1.800.663.3456  . This is your number one call. Ask for a DGIR # and a call back. This stands for Dangerous Goods Incident Report. It is the file number attached to your call. Get this number, as you will use it to then proceed with other calls and quote it.
  2. Next, call City of Burnaby Climate Action: 604.294.7850, or 24 hour Dispatch: 604.294.7200.  Send any photos to
  3. For water quality concerns originating in Coquitlam, at North Road or at the Rathburn culvert call Coquitlam’s Engineering and Public Works 24 hour customer service: 604.927.3500 . Send any photos to
  4. And, be patient. Call the Fisheries and Fish Habitat Protection Program(FFHP) 1-866-845-6776
  5. To report an incident that caused harmful alteration, disruption or destruction of fish habitat, an incident that involved death of fish from work in the creek (not a chemical spill) , a violation involving a Species at Risk-listed fish, a salmon fishing violation, or illegal sale of fish, call Fisheries and Oceans’ Observe, Record, Report line: 1.800.465.4336 .
  6. To report wildlife concerns, dumping, non-salmon fishing violations, sightings of Aquatic Invasive Species (Zebra and Quagga Mussels), or off road vehicle related matters, call the Provincial RAPP line (Report All Poachers and Polluters): 1.877.952.7277 .(#7277 from a cell phone).

Follow up with an email and photos: and a copy to

The contacts above are from Fisheries and Oceans Final UPDATED 2019 Working Near Water and Emergency Authorizations – Public Handout.pdf  Notes from the Salmonid Enhancement and Habitat Advisory Board(SEHAB) and City of Burnaby Climate Action.

A new version of the BC Wildlife Federation Conservation App is now available for iPhone and Android users.

The app makes it easy for users to take geo-referenced, time-stamped photos or videos and to report illegal use, or abuse, of our natural resources. The app works both in and out of service using your phone’s GPS. Reports are sent to a secure server and forwarded automatically to the appropriate enforcement agency.

Guidelines for reporting dead wild birds to Government Agencies

What to report to Wildlife Agencies:
Groups of 3 or more dead birds (any species) found in the same geographic location.
The following individual dead birds:
– Species at risk – See list .
– Highly susceptible species (swans, ducks)
– Raptors (eagles, hawks, owls)
– Water-adapted bird species (waterfowl in general, shorebirds, water-associated birds).

These wild bird mortalities should be reported by calling   1.866.431.BIRD (2473) . Reports will be recorded, assessed to determine if further investigation is warranted, and if so, guidance will be provided on a case by case basis.

Report bat encounters

If you find a dead bat or see a bat flying in the winter, please contact the South Coast Bat Conservation Society at or   1.855.922.2287 Ext. 11 as soon as possible. For further information, see details here .